No. If an adult person is not capable of taking care of themselves, close relatives (parents, children, grandparents, or grandchildren) are obliged to provide financial support to the relative. The obligation of financial support to one’s parents or grandparents should be distinct from providing personal care during working time. The level of assistance is determined by the local municipality who is obliged to help the person concerned.
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No. If an adult person is not capable of taking care of themselves, close relatives (parents, children, grandparents, or grandchildren) are obliged to provide financial support to the relative. The obligation of financial support to one’s parents or grandparents should be distinct from providing personal care during working time. The level of assistance is determined by the local municipality who is obliged to help the person concerned.
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No. If an adult person is not capable of taking care of themselves, close relatives (parents, children, grandparents, or grandchildren) are obliged to provide financial support to the relative. The obligation of financial support to one’s parents or grandparents should be distinct from providing personal care during working time. The level of assistance is determined by the local municipality who is obliged to help the person concerned.