Yes. The home service is designed for people who need assistance around the home. They can be helped by, for example, collecting firewood or water, preparing food, cleaning or washing. The service also includes assistance outside of the home if this is needed for the person to be able to cope on a day-to-day basis, such as doing their shopping for them or taking them to a doctor’s appointment.
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The correct answer is
Yes. The home service is designed for people who need assistance around the home. They can be helped by, for example, collecting firewood or water, preparing food, cleaning or washing. The service also includes assistance outside of the home if this is needed for the person to be able to cope on a day-to-day basis, such as doing their shopping for them or taking them to a doctor’s appointment.
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Yes. The home service is designed for people who need assistance around the home. They can be helped by, for example, collecting firewood or water, preparing food, cleaning or washing. The service also includes assistance outside of the home if this is needed for the person to be able to cope on a day-to-day basis, such as doing their shopping for them or taking them to a doctor’s appointment.