Yes. A local municipality is obliged to provide different social services that help balance work and family life. For example, local municipalities provide day-care services for children aged 1.5 to 3. They also support the coping and working of a parent and/or a guardian of children under 18 who have a severe or profound disability. Other social services provided by the local municipality such as adult care services or personal assistant services also help to balance work and family life.
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Yes. A local municipality is obliged to provide different social services that help balance work and family life. For example, local municipalities provide day-care services for children aged 1.5 to 3. They also support the coping and working of a parent and/or a guardian of children under 18 who have a severe or profound disability. Other social services provided by the local municipality such as adult care services or personal assistant services also help to balance work and family life.
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Yes. A local municipality is obliged to provide different social services that help balance work and family life. For example, local municipalities provide day-care services for children aged 1.5 to 3. They also support the coping and working of a parent and/or a guardian of children under 18 who have a severe or profound disability. Other social services provided by the local municipality such as adult care services or personal assistant services also help to balance work and family life.