No. Although parents are responsible for arranging the care of a sick child, this does not mean that only the mother or father must take care of the sick child at home. Based on a certificate of care for leave, someone else who can take care of and support the child, such as a relative or acquaintance, may also be left to care for a sick child.
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No. Although parents are responsible for arranging the care of a sick child, this does not mean that only the mother or father must take care of the sick child at home. Based on a certificate of care for leave, someone else who can take care of and support the child, such as a relative or acquaintance, may also be left to care for a sick child.
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No. Although parents are responsible for arranging the care of a sick child, this does not mean that only the mother or father must take care of the sick child at home. Based on a certificate of care for leave, someone else who can take care of and support the child, such as a relative or acquaintance, may also be left to care for a sick child.