Yes. Belittling someone at work or offensive comments may cause discomfort to a person and he/she may perceive it as harassment. Therefore, it is not appropriate to belittle people based on their inherent qualities. In case of clearly offensive comments, the employer is not allowed to stay passive and explain this behaviour as a conflict between employees. On the contrary, the employer must put an end to harassment between employees. The employer must ensure an environment where no employee feels harassed.
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Yes. Belittling someone at work or offensive comments may cause discomfort to a person and he/she may perceive it as harassment. Therefore, it is not appropriate to belittle people based on their inherent qualities. In case of clearly offensive comments, the employer is not allowed to stay passive and explain this behaviour as a conflict between employees. On the contrary, the employer must put an end to harassment between employees. The employer must ensure an environment where no employee feels harassed.
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Yes. Belittling someone at work or offensive comments may cause discomfort to a person and he/she may perceive it as harassment. Therefore, it is not appropriate to belittle people based on their inherent qualities. In case of clearly offensive comments, the employer is not allowed to stay passive and explain this behaviour as a conflict between employees. On the contrary, the employer must put an end to harassment between employees. The employer must ensure an environment where no employee feels harassed.