Yes. If it is not possible to organise daycare, it is considered appropriate for a parent to take a child to the office. Prohibiting this could be considered harassment. Harassment is unwanted or unpleasant repetitive behaviour that creates an undignified, aggressive, offensive or hostile environment based on gender, sex, race, skin colour, nationality, religious beliefs, convictions, age, disability, or sexual preference. Harassment is a form of discrimination.
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Yes. If it is not possible to organise daycare, it is considered appropriate for a parent to take a child to the office. Prohibiting this could be considered harassment. Harassment is unwanted or unpleasant repetitive behaviour that creates an undignified, aggressive, offensive or hostile environment based on gender, sex, race, skin colour, nationality, religious beliefs, convictions, age, disability, or sexual preference. Harassment is a form of discrimination.
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Yes. If it is not possible to organise daycare, it is considered appropriate for a parent to take a child to the office. Prohibiting this could be considered harassment. Harassment is unwanted or unpleasant repetitive behaviour that creates an undignified, aggressive, offensive or hostile environment based on gender, sex, race, skin colour, nationality, religious beliefs, convictions, age, disability, or sexual preference. Harassment is a form of discrimination.